Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Meet Thomas Beatie, the first man on the planet who got pregnant! Thomas Beatie, from Oregon, used to be a woman but later become a transgender male and legally changed his sex to male. Thomas Beatie had his breasts surgically removed and started bimonthly testosterone injections, but kept his vagina. After he legally married Nancy Beatie, the couple wanted a biological baby. But as Nancy Beatie can't carry a child due to endometriosis, Thomas Beatie was decided to carry their child. So now Thomas Beatie is really pregnant after two home insemination attempts using anonymous donor's sperm purchased from a cryogenic sperm bank and he is due to the labor on July 3. Update: Thomas Beatie is to show an ultrasound scan on The Oprah Winfrey Show April. Click here for the show's promo video. Read the full story by Thomas Beatie himself published on the April 8 issue of The Advocate Magazine.

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